Cara NA1CL

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Hello! I'm Cara NA1CL (she/her). My old callsign was KC1KZT. I'm an Extra-class amateur radio operator based out of Massachusetts.


WPI Shack

This is my primary operating station, the Shack on the roof of WPI's Salisbury Labs. The equipment here is pretty nice, so I try to use it as much as possible.

WECT Radio Room

This is where I operate for Field Day as part of the Worcester Emergency Communications Team's activation. I use my personal equipment here:

The G90 also comes with me when I operate portable.


For public service events I make use of the following handheld equipment (mostly Motorola):


I'm active in the following clubs:


If you have questions or comments about anything on this page, please feel free to reach out to me! The best way to do this is via email at website -at- na1cl -dot- net. If I don't get back to you in a week or so, feel free to send me a followup.