Hello! I'm Cara NA1CL (she/her). My old callsign was KC1KZT. I'm an Extra-class amateur radio operator based out of Massachusetts.
This is my primary operating station, the Shack on the roof of WPI's Salisbury Labs. The equipment here is pretty nice, so I try to use it as much as possible.
This is where I operate for Field Day as part of the Worcester Emergency Communications Team's activation. I use my personal equipment here:
The G90 also comes with me when I operate portable.
For public service events I make use of the following handheld equipment (mostly Motorola):
I'm active in the following clubs:
If you have questions or comments about anything on this page, please feel free to reach out to me! The best way to do this is via email at website -at- na1cl -dot- net. If I don't get back to you in a week or so, feel free to send me a followup.